Explain Rousseau's General Will Theory.

Explain Rousseau's General Will Theory.

Explain Rousseau's General Will Theory. [M.U.2011] 


1. Definition of General Will: Rousseau was of the opinion that men grew sick of the anarchy which the serpent of private property brought in the society- Hence they thought of creating a sovereign through social contract The contract was concluded by a pact between the individuals and the community consisting of the individuals who formed the society. The individuals surrendered all their powers and rights to the community as a whole and bowed before the General Will, which was the sovereign in the ultimate analysis.

2. Actual Will and Real Will: In order to properly understand the theory of General Will' it is necessary to understand the terms Actual Will and Real Will From "Actual Will' Rousseau understood the will which was selfish, irrational and thought of the good of the individual alone. It conceives of the individual alone. It has no concern with the welfare of the society. On the other hand, Rousseau believed that 'Real Will' was something higher, nobler and supreme. It was concerned more about the well-being of all than that of one individual. It was more social than anti-social, more collective than individualistic In other words, the real will was channel for promoting the well being of the individuals and society because when it thought of the society it ipso facto thought about the welfare of the individuals. Real will was permanent and not transitory. It did not take into consideration only the momentaryaspectsoflife but also its permanent aspects. Real will was based on reason and criticism.

3. Real Will and General Will: According to Rousseau 'General Will' was the sum total of all the. 'real wills' of the individuals which were based on reason and farsightedness of the individuals. It was will of all the individuals for collective welfare. It was common consciousness. Rousseau has defined General Will as The public person, so formed by the union of all other persons is called by its members state when passive, sovereign when active." It ad w

4. Nobler than Real Wills: According to Rousseau General Will was not the sum total of good and bad will of the individuals by a method of; plus and minus but was something nobler. It was the product of deliberations, discussions and consciousness. General Will is concerned with general good but it might not be willed by the majority of the members of the society.

5. Everybody free In Geoeral Will: Rousseau believed that in General Will none was slave or under subordination to anyoncelse. Every body was free. To quote Rousseau, "If the state is a moral person whose life is in the union of its members, and if the most important of its care is thecare of its own preservation, then it must have a universal and compelling force in order to dispose part as may be advantageous to the whole." ge di ni tudi bovsiled stao. 6. General Will and Will or All: Rousseau tried to distinguish between the General Will and the will of all. General Will considered about the good of the community as a whole whereas will of all was only majority will and considered about the welfare of a few only.

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