Discuss Aristotle as a conservative, a democrat and a socialist thinker.

Discuss Aristotle as a conservative, a democrat and a socialist thinker.

Discuss Aristotle as a conservative, a democrat and a socialist thinker.

Ans. Aristotle tested the political ideal of Plato with actual practicelities. He was an impirical philosopher, who widened the scope of politics and thereby enriched (i) it throughout the middle ages. He was called the philosopher. The extensive knowledge exhibited by Aristotle proved a fertile field for many new ideas. Conservatism, democracy and socialism.

        Aristotle as a conservative

    1. Support to rituals, traditions, customs and usages : Aristotle can be called conservative due to the reason that he said that character depends upon the way a man is brought up. This meant that the rituals, traditions, customs and usages do shape the character of man.

    2.Support of Slavery: The way in which Aristotle regarded the slave systems of those times shows him to be a conservative. he maintained that just as subjection is good for beast, so also in the slave system for some people. Finally in his will he provided for the freedom of the slaves in his household.  

    3.Limited to Poles : Aristotle's whole philosophy and outwork was conceived in the polis. His vision never widened beyond the limits of the city states. he considered slavery to be central and congenial to the attainment of good life which is the end of the state. 

    4.Trust in Law: Aristotle trusted the law more than any other previous thinker. The law is sovereign in the state. In the Grecian life law is regarded with great sacredness and respect. By making law to be the sovereign of the state, Aristotle once again placed the existing belief on a high altar.

    5. Distrust of Amature and Advertiser: Catlin maintains that Aristotle's distrust of amature and advertiser is a conservative outlook. A mere expert in the art of statesmanship and statecraft is no success in the modern world. Cutlin says, "the successful ruler must be a pressmarocessisted by Gochbles.

Aristotle as a Democrat

    1. Central Theme : Aristotle may be called a democrat for the reason that the esential theme of his philosophy as stated by him in his metaphysics is, "no universals exist apart from the individual". This means things must proceed from individual human beings but not from abstract principles. This ia equal to the democratic principlels which put value on each individual. Aristotle was in favour of individual liberty for development.

    2. Participation of Citizens : According to Aristotle, each citizen should have a share in the activities. It is only those who participate in the administrative and judicial organisation of the state, that are to be called the citizens, according him, modern democracy means equal participation of all the citizens in the activities of the state. This also is the opinion of Aristotle. 

    3. Liberal Democrat: Aristotle was not a proletarian democrat. He did not believe in mob democracy. He was the liberal democrat opposed to all forms of dictatorship even that of the philosophers. he did not believe in the class-rule of Plato or Marx.

    4.Faith in Collective Wisdom: Aristotle had faith in collective wisdom. He had a distrust in the superiority and correctness of a few individuals. he often repeated that when a large number of people are gathered together and when different points of view are expressed, there is scope for greater freedom.

    5. Limited Sense : It may be doubted as to how can he be called champion of democracy when he totally disregarded a part of the population as not being fit for citizenship. Still he was a democrat in the limited sense.

        1. Aristotle as a Socialist: Equitable Distribution: Aristotle can be called a socialist for the reason that he thought there should bear equitablel distribution of wealth but not an equal distribution. He said that there should be a private ownership of property but it should be shared in common. 

        2. Emphasis on middle class : In Aristotle's best practicable state, the middle class formed the backbone. It is they who are neither too rich nor too poor. Modern socialism also banks mostly on the middle class who are neither capitalists not communists. 

        3. Against Interest on Lending: Aristotle was also against 'interest lending' which he thought would lead to the concentration of wealth in a few hands. The growth of modern capitalism is the direct result of banking and credit organisations. When Aristotle was against lending on interest, he may be safely called a socialist in ideas. 

         4. Against Speculation : Aristotle insisted that strong measures should be taken against speculation. It is one of the methods which often disturbs the economic equilibrium. While thinking that it must be suppressed, Aristotle reviewed the state like socialist which wants the state to be an empire between the conflicting economic interests of the citizens. 

         5. Against extremes of wealth and poverty: Aristotle believed that extremes of wealth and poverty are the main sources of evils in human society. There can be no peace in the state where population is divided into two classes of too rich and too poor. These will be hostile each other. This will lead to class war. There can be no real friendship between these classes and friendship is the essential principle of all associations.

        To conclude, Aristotle is somewhat a conservative, a democrat, and a socialist. He was not an advoate and a champion of these doctrines. They existed only in embryo form in his political philosophy. Scholars have even found him to bea fascist as his philosophy exhibited a wide erudition in his detailed discussions. he was a Biologist, Mathematician, Metaphisician and even a Humarist who said that a beautiful lady needs no introductory letter.

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