Describe the Hellenic and Universal elements in Plato's works.
Ans. Greek Elements in Plato's Political Thought Inspite of his criticism of almost all the contemporary political theories, one can find the following Greek elements in his political thought, particularly the influence of the political systems prevalent in Sparta and Athens. Terentoesi
1. Like Sparta Plato advised the rulers to have food in public restaurants.
2. Like Sparta his rulers could not keep silver and gold. The philosopher king could not have gold or silver.
3. Like the system of compulsory military education in spartas Plato also emphasised physical and military education in his system of education.
4. In Sparta even the women had to exercise physically. Plato also prescribed physical exercises and gymnastic for women in his ideal state.
5. Trade was prohibited for the rulers in Sparta. Similarly Plato also prohibited trade and commrce for the rulers in his ideal state.
6. In Sparta male and female were considered as equal. In his ideal state, Plato also provided equality to male and female.
7. In Sparta the state was supreme. Plato also held the state as supreme and the citizens secondary.
8. Plato's plan of education was organised on the patterns of curriculum in Athens and planned according to the pattern of Sparta.
9. In contemporary Greek society pornography and evil influence, therefore, Plato prohibited all pornographic literatures and art in his ideal state.
10. There were city-states in Plato's time. Therefore he also decided 5040 as the ideal population for an ideal state.
11. In contemporary Greek Society the custom of slavery was prevalent. Plato has considred it as universal and necesary for the state.
12. Customs similarl to communism of property and women could be observed in contemporary Sparta. It was on the basis of these customs that Plato provided communism of property and women in his state.
Universal Elements in Political Thought
In brief, the following universal elements can be seen in political thought of Plato.
1. Rule of reason: Taking reason as the highest element in man, old Plato divised that the rule of the state should be entrusted in the hands of rational individuals. His ideal of the philosopher ed king is still important.
2. Theory of Justice: Justice, according to Plato, means and following one's duties and not interfering in other's functions. Even today this principle is laid emphasis upon in the definition of justice.
3. Equality of women: Plato gave equality to women along with men in the social system. This principles has universal significance.
4.Communism of Property: Plato advocated the principle of communism of property for his rulers. From the point of view of communist philosophy today this principle is the most important in a human society.
Rule of law: Rule of law was the most important in Plato's political system. From the point of view of modern political science, the rule of law is the most important trait of a modern state.