Q.Critically discuss Marx's theory of Dialectical Materialism.
[M.U. 2011 & 2013]
"Marxism is not only a theory about society," remarks Plamenatz, "It is an entire system of philosophy." Historical materialism which is Marx's theory of evolution, is only a part of that philosophy; rather it is the application to social phenomenon of certain fundamental principles that are applied to the whole of the universe. It is these principles which Marx termed as dialectical materialism and which in fact is the core of his philosophy.
Infact basic and the starling point of Marxism is the dialectical materialism. Dialectic literally means discussion. Marx, came under the influence of Hegel's ideas at the University of Berlin, from whom he borrowed the dialectical method. Hegel used the dialectical method in a context which was different from the context in which Marx used it. Hegel held the view that the social and human evolution has not been in a straight line. Onthe other hand, it moved in a zig-zag way. It consists of contrasts, negations and contradictions. Each stage in human history gave birth to its opposite, the anti-thesis. He further said that out of the conflict between thesis and anti-thesis, results the synthesis which reconciles the opposite tendencies present in the earlier system on a new and a higher level. To Hegel, "contradiction is the moving principle of the world." It became one of the basic principles of his philosophy.
Hegel considered spirit to be the ultimate reality. He developed a philosophy of history which saw progress as contingent upon the dialectical clash of ideas in a sequence of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The material manifestations of this conflict of ideas, Hegel asserted, lie in nations but they are only reflections of the non-material forces or ideas. The progress of the ideas through succession of historical epochs is dependent upon conflict. He, who understands this and associates himself with the trend by subordinating himself to the forces of change, will be free. No one can halt the march of progress which is God's plan for the world.
Marx borrowed from Hegel the dialectical method and the view that progress results from the conflict of opposing forces. But Marx reversed Hegel's view that the conflict is in the realm of ideas and the material forces are only reflections. On the other hand Marx said, that the clash is due to the material forces, and the ideas are only the product of the material environment in which men live. Marx was no doubt impressed by the principle of contradiction expounded by Hegel. But he said, that Hegel had made the dialectic stand on its head. Hegelianism, which is dialectic of idea, is to the Marxists, really a form of materialism turned upside down in method and content.
According to Marxian dialectics, contrary forces are present in every stage of society and constitute the moving force in history. The present capitalistic stage is also living with its anti-thesis, the proletariat. The capitalists and the workers are in conflict with each other. The outcome of this class-struggle will be the establishment of a society where there will be no classes and no class struggle. Marx thus accepts only the rational kernel from Hegel and not its content or idealistic shell. It should be noted that dialectics is a process of nature and a form of thinking which can serve both materialism and idealism. Thus Marx not only taught materialism but also a particular species of it, called, dialectical materialism. It is the most important element in the philosophy of Marx. Matter evolves according to a dialectic process which is revolutionary in nature. The social revolution that follows is of a high order, as it aims at the abolition of all classes and the creation of a classless society.
In other words, Marx held that matter and not the spirit or idea was the ultimate reality and a society organised for production in which there shall be no exploitation of one class by another was the goal of the evolutionary process. According to him, the world by its nature develops in accordance with the laws of the movement of matter. He believes that different social ideas and theories which appeared at various periods of history were merely a reflection of the material laws of society. Matter to the dialectical materialism is active not passive and moves by an inner necessity of its nature. As Engels said, "The dialectical materialism grasps things and images, ideas essentially in their sequence, their movement, their birth and death."
In developing Dialectical Materialism Marx did an adaptation of Hegel's dialectical method. He kept in mind the changes in the society which were being brought about by the material forces. For Marx matter was the ultimate reality. Changes in the society occur on account of the changes and the operation in the material forces. It is materialism which determines the change and that chance takes place according to the dialectic process as spelt out by Hegel.